Saturday, September 5, 2009

Borgund Hike

After touring the Stave Church at Borgund, we embarked on a two-hour hike into the valley behind it. Well, it was supposed to be a two-hour hike. It actually took us over three, as we continually stopped to marvel at our surroundings and snap photos. Mossy glens led up to an old road painstakingly built up the valley in the early twentieth century, which then snaked down to a cascade. Mushrooms of every size and color brightened our path, as we climbed by old homesteads that still seemed to be working, evidenced by the long grass drying on racks in the sun. We finally descended back to the church through idyllic countryside, walking through sun-dappled path with sheep bahh-ing on either side of us. By the time we got back to the church, we had missed the early bus, so hitched a ride with a friendly Czech couple going our direction.

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