Saturday, November 22, 2008

Two Days, Two Very Different Dawns

View from our window at dawn on Friday morning.

View from our window at dawn on Saturday morning.

I cracked and put up my snowman window decals Friday night before parent-teacher conferences began. I think it's safe to say they brought the storm.

I'm not sure fall was ready to let go.

Ostrander, ACS's main building (and home of my classroom, to the left of that far left column)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed at the metamorphisis from Friday dawn to Saturday dawn, and liked the reluctant yellow leaves. Thanks for making the effort for this lucky fan. Dad is showing g-ma how to enjoy Brett's and your blog, and he just called to say that she has memorized the steps to her own delight! I'm off to Hans' recital, now, and hope we Skype about conference impressions, soon.? Love mom