Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Tribute to Robert Frost

The Cracked Concrete Path Not Taken
(Written by both of us on walking home one day from Kaufland grocery store)

Two cracked concrete paths diverged in a dilapidated parking lot,
And sorry we could not travel both
We stood sweating for it was just so hot
And looked down one with nary a thought
It was littered with trash and no green growth

Then took the other, equally strewn,
With plastic and coke cans and small shards of glass.
Because it was ugly we sang a little tune;
It’s dirty it’s broken it’s unevenly hewn
Treading so lightly o’er this path do we pass!

That summer afternoon presented a choice
‘Tween two back alley Communist ways
Though falling apart did we rejoice
That Sofia looks to the West for her voice
No longer to Stalin’s socialist days

And when we return from our European travel
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Nostalgia will lower its foggy gavel
And declare that we – we let presumption unravel
And that has made all the difference.

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